Tuesday 22 May 2012

Olympic Torch Run, Robin Gibb Dies, Suicide Bombings in Yemen, Death of the ASBO? [22/May/12]

Olympic Torch Route

The Olympic torch has been set off and the route is being shown on the official Olympic website. The torch is being relayed all around the UK so check out the website to find out when it passes by you!

Interactive Map

Bee Gees singer Robin Gibb Dies At 62

After a long battle with cancer, Bee Gees singer Robin Gibb has died at age 62. Millions of people have paid their respects, even if just on Twitter. Bruno Mars, Duran Duran and Dannii Minogue are just some of the stars who have gave kind words to the singer.

Suicide Bombings Kill 96 Yemeni Soldiers

During a rehearsal for a military parade, a Yemeni soldier detonated a bomb hidden in his uniform. 96 were killed and at least 200 injured. The soldier was supposedly targeting Yemen’s defence minister, Maj. Gen. Mohammed Nasser Ahmed. He was unhurt.

ASBO's To Be Ditched?

Theresa May says we need to get rid of ASBO’s completely. She referred to them as gimmicks and we must try something more effective. Police officers can now give them different punishments, such as making them fix the damage they’ve caused, etc..

Any requests? Send in your news stories or videos for the Linkathon to superojproject@gmail.com ~ The OJ Team

Tuesday 1 May 2012

Linkathon [1 May 12] Crash Course, Razorlight and The Super Amazing Project

1) A great series by the Vlogbrothers Hank and John Green. Episode One:

Episode One of Crash Course World History

2) The music video for America by the amazing Razorlight:

Copyright Mercury Records 2006

3) Danisnotonfire and AmazingPhil present onto you The Super Amazing Project. Season Two finale below:

Season 2 finale for Dan and Phil’s Super Amazing Project!

Monday 16 April 2012

The Linkathon [16 April 12] Drunk Science, Talk You Down, Pottermore Is Open, and GLaDOS Sings!

1) A brilliant short by TomSka - Drunk Science.
Tom and Chris do Drunk Science!
2) The music video for Talk You Down by Irish indie-rock band The Script.
Danny O'Donoghue, Mark Sheehan and Glen Powers (The Script) perform Talk You Down.
3) The Pottermore Announcement video in celebration of its opening!
J.K Rowling Announces Pottermore - June 2011. Opened for everyone - April 2012.
4) The Ending Credits to Portal - GLaDOS sings 'Still Alive'
Nice one, GLaDOS.

Friday 13 April 2012

Syrian Rebels Kill 6, Pakistani Forces In Avalanche, Oxford/Cambridge Boat Race Controversy, and The Doctor’s New Companion [Newsround 13 April]

Syrian Rebels Kill At Least 6 Crossing The Turkish Border (source)

Syrian rebels killed at least 6 members of the Syrian Security Force and officials near the Turkish border on Monday. The fighting apparently took place in the village of Salama, close to the border between the Syrian town of Azaz and the Turkish town of Kilis. The Syrian Government said on Sunday that it wanted written guarantees that the rebels should stop fighting before it pulls back its troops under terms of a U.N peace plan which called for all sides to cease fire by Thursday.


Pakistani Forces Caught In Avalanche (source)

135 Pakistani soldiers have been caught in an avalanche close to the Indian border on Saturday. They dug into the avalanche in a mountain battleground when is suddenly collapsed onto the 124 soldiers and 11 civilian contractors. The avalanche fell onto the headquarters 4,000m above sea level which buried it in 24m of snow. The battlefield in which the accident occurred is currently the world’s highest battlefield – the Kashmir region.



Controversy At The Oxford & Cambridge Boat Race (source)

There was controversy on Sunday at the Oxford and Cambridge boat race after a protestor jumped into the River Thames and swam in front of the 2 boats. The man in question was then arrested and the boat race restarted 30 minutes later. It eventually ended in a victory for Cambridge.


Doctor Who’s New Companion Revealed! (source)

Two weeks ago, the Doctor’s new companion was revealed. Karen Gillan (Amy Pond) and Arthur Darvill (Rory Williams) are leaving after the Series 7 finale, and Jenna-Louise Coleman (who stars in Waterloo Road) will be taking their place. The 25-year old actress is definitely looking forward to it and even David Tennant (the 10th Doctor) has given her some advice on starting the show!


Former ‘Doctor’ David Tennant gives new companion Jenna some advice.

Friday 6 April 2012

James Murdoch Resigns, Dallas Tornadoes, London 2012 and Web Monitoring [Newsround-06 April]

James Murdoch Resigns As Head Of BSkyB (source)

James Murdoch, son of Rupert Murdoch (ex-head of News of the World) has officially resigned from being the head of BSkyB on Tuesday the 3rd of April. The motive behind this was was undoubtedly the pressure and heat of being constantly accused of being involved with the News of the World phone hacking scandals. He’d obviously just had enough and it’s quite a reasonable decision for him to make considering the hot mess he was in.

"I believe that my resignation will help to ensure that there is no false conflation with events at a separate organization," he said.


Tornados Cause A Spin In Texas (source)

North Texas got a very big shock this week with at least two tornados! There are currently no reports of any deaths from the Dallas area, but multiple tornados definitely hit and dozens were injured. Hundreds of homes were destroyed and people were resorting to local shelters. 12,000+ homes did survive but were out of power late Tuesday night. Stay safe, people!


The London 2012 Olympics Are Almost Underway (source)

With just 113 days left until the Olympics begin in London, tickets will be expensive and hard to buy. The official website for purchasing tickets has openly said that seats are being allocated to current ticket holders, therefore tickets will no longer be for sale there. eBay usually has some second-hand tickets that people are selling, so search hard if you want to join millions of people for this worldwide tradition.


Monitoring Of The Web – A Good Thing? (source)

The final subject we would like to cover is the observing of emails and texts by the government. Now part of me agrees with this idea because it can help catch paedophiles and terrorists thus making the community a safer and nicer place to live in, and if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to worry about. On the other hand I believe that it is an invasion of personal conversations and is very similar, if this law does get passed, to how the public are treated in the book 1984 which is a hellish place to be. To conclude, I believe that this law as much as it is an invasion of conversations, if it stops paedophiles it is a good thing in the long run.


Wednesday 4 April 2012

The Linkathon - 04 April 12

Starting off on a sad note, here's a clip from Doctor Who. SPOILERS AHEAD: It's from Season 2's finale Doomsday where one companion gets a very sad departure. Whovians, look out - tears ahead.
After that tear-fest, here's a video on a brighter note, showing off some American accent skills from the English YouTube sensation: Charlie McDonnell.
Finally, some music from an artist whom we are fans of, and he's going back to his roots proving he can still pull off wonders - So You're Alive by FrankMusik.

The OJ Schedule

Every Sunday - The Linkathon. This is where we compile a list of some videos that we've enjoyed watching and would like to share with you. This could range from trailers, music, gameplay, anything!
Every Friday - The Newsround. This is where we (funnily enough) share with you some of the latest news articles and give our opinions.

Look forward to them, brand new Linkathon later on but will resume to the regular schedule of Mondays from then on!

~The OJ Team


This blog is completely new, and starting from the 4th April 2012, we are going to begin using it for your entertainment. We'll be giving you our opinions on the latest news and happenings as often as we can!
The team is made up of Jay and Olly.
Jay - the blog poster and has mainly interests in gaming and indie-rock music.
Olly - the researcher who enjoys rock music!

Get ready for epicness
~The OJ Team