Friday 6 April 2012

James Murdoch Resigns, Dallas Tornadoes, London 2012 and Web Monitoring [Newsround-06 April]

James Murdoch Resigns As Head Of BSkyB (source)

James Murdoch, son of Rupert Murdoch (ex-head of News of the World) has officially resigned from being the head of BSkyB on Tuesday the 3rd of April. The motive behind this was was undoubtedly the pressure and heat of being constantly accused of being involved with the News of the World phone hacking scandals. He’d obviously just had enough and it’s quite a reasonable decision for him to make considering the hot mess he was in.

"I believe that my resignation will help to ensure that there is no false conflation with events at a separate organization," he said.


Tornados Cause A Spin In Texas (source)

North Texas got a very big shock this week with at least two tornados! There are currently no reports of any deaths from the Dallas area, but multiple tornados definitely hit and dozens were injured. Hundreds of homes were destroyed and people were resorting to local shelters. 12,000+ homes did survive but were out of power late Tuesday night. Stay safe, people!


The London 2012 Olympics Are Almost Underway (source)

With just 113 days left until the Olympics begin in London, tickets will be expensive and hard to buy. The official website for purchasing tickets has openly said that seats are being allocated to current ticket holders, therefore tickets will no longer be for sale there. eBay usually has some second-hand tickets that people are selling, so search hard if you want to join millions of people for this worldwide tradition.


Monitoring Of The Web – A Good Thing? (source)

The final subject we would like to cover is the observing of emails and texts by the government. Now part of me agrees with this idea because it can help catch paedophiles and terrorists thus making the community a safer and nicer place to live in, and if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to worry about. On the other hand I believe that it is an invasion of personal conversations and is very similar, if this law does get passed, to how the public are treated in the book 1984 which is a hellish place to be. To conclude, I believe that this law as much as it is an invasion of conversations, if it stops paedophiles it is a good thing in the long run.


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