Saturday 15 March 2014

Mystery Shrouds Vanished Jet

The whereabouts of the vanishing Malaysian plane has been a topic on everyone’s mind since it’s unexplained disappearance one week ago. Now missing, 239 passengers were aboard flight MH370 from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing including 2 passengers with stolen passports. Speculation about how these two passengers managed to board the flight has been rife, and recent developments have provoked even further conversation. It was revealed today that signals from the plane were ‘deliberately disabled’ in a statement from the Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak. A plane then suspected, but not confirmed as MH370, turned back on its course before all signals were lost. Subsequent to the loss of radar contact, the plane continued for some 7 hours before altogether vanishing into the mystery encompassing the flight for the past 7 days. Theories from hijacking to crash landing have been surfacing in the international news; however Mr Razak could neither confirm nor deny any of these speculations stating in his speech earlier today that ‘all possibilities’ were being explored. Teams have been deployed to search for any wreckage or indications of the plane’s fate in the Indian Ocean and the globe stays strong in hope for any news about the wellbeing of the missing passengers. However, in a search that has been compared to looking for a needle in a haystack, conclusive developments look unlikely in the immediate future.
Thanks to Rachael Griffiths for the post.

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